dimanche, juillet 01, 2007

06/07 4eme semaine / 4th week

C'est deja vieux, puisque ca date de 1965, mais Henri Salvador chantait "le travail, c'est la sante". Et c'est donc avec le sourire que je suis retourne au boulot cette semaine. (ou presque, qui ne veut pas jouer a la farniente?)
Travail de nuit cette semaine, comme des pilotes cargo, a partir de la cote Ouest a l'Est. Mon copi et moi etant tous deux de la region sud ouest des US, avons un peu moins souffert que d'autres de se retrouver a New-York, mais bon. Ca n'est jamais facile de dormir dans la journee, avec les femmes de menage qui frappent regulierement a la porte pour faire la chambre!
La semaine aura ete beaucoup plus dure pour Kate, se retrouvant toute seule avec un bebe, et qui aura beaucoup plus de mal a faire de choses simples... comme aller au toilettes par example!
Lisons plutot:

Buenos Dias!

This week was an interesting week, with Richard officially back to work, and Florence and I on our own with no retreat in sight, no relief coming, no Calvary to come to the rescue, no man on a horse wearing a white hat, no Red Cross, no Lone Ranger, and no American troops. Just us. Oh my!

It wasn't such a shock, because we had been alone already when Richard would go gliding, but, nonetheless, there is something about knowing there is no help in sight that can send the fear of God into one, especially coupled with zero sleep. Yes, I know many others moms in the area, but one is hard pressed to ask for help from someone who, herself, needs some rescuing. So, as Nike says, we just did it.

But, low and behold, we did survive, albiet there being some stormy days and nights wherein less than two hours of non-consecutive sleep was to be had. To add some spice to the situation, we have been trying to resolve some dietary issues with her and, in order to come to a quick resolution, I forbade any diary, chocolate, and peanuts from my diet. Having no time nor energy to shop for alternative foods (since most I eat has diary in it) I survived the week on a series of Wheat Thin marathons, granola bars, and waffles. The very fact of not eating chocolate alone was enough to have me knawing my own arm off as a means of comfort.

Just as troops destined to storm a hill, I began, over the days, to find my survival was best destined if I imagined that each new day would be the worst of my life, with no sleep, no food, and no rest. Doesn't help that Florence's favorite comforting activity is for me to run around the house holding her (nope, she doesn't like those carriers at all) and, sometimes, I have to be going at a full gallop, this being a reason we have been thinking of buying her a miniature horse. ;)

But, alas, the days passed and we arrived at Richard's return. Thank God! And, so, to compensate, I will now engage in all that I could not the week prior, including going to the bathroom. (Yeah, may not be your favorite topic of conversation to read in a blog, but imagine having no option to go for a week. Then it really becomes your least favorite topic of conversation.)

Anyhoo, our family is whole again. Thank God for Richard. I must admit, having done adequate sampling of men prior to our meeting, that he is a perfect specimen of manhood. Despite his own self-proclaimed shortcomings, he has handled the ups and downs of later-life fatherhood with humor, patience, and grace. He doesn't wince at the pending tsunami of changes and just looks forward to the day when he can know what his daughter is thinking. So, kudos dear husband and thank you so very, oh so very much for being in my life.

Children are a great thing to have, but in the midst of a loving, supportive marriage, they are more than great. They are the icing waiting to be whipped up in one's finger when no one is looking.

Happy Summer
(110 in the shade! Woowee for the desert!)

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