03/07 1ere semaine/ 1st week
Cette semaine, ce fut de nouveau des vols de la cote ouest a l'est, mais cette fois au sud de la frontiere americaine. Quelques jours passes au Mexique, pour finir dans les Bahamas. Depuis le temps que j'y vais, ca se ressemble un peu, mais il faut admettre que l'eau bleu reste superbe a voir. En fait, cela donne meme envie de mettre un maillot de bain, et d'aller faire de la plongee.
C'est plein de petits ilots, souvent deserts, et parfois une piste dans la vegetation, qui sans doute, sert encore pour le trafic de drogue, assez intensif dans la region.
Un petit secret? J'adorerai revenir ici avec un motoplaneur. Il y'a des petits cumulus qui poussent le long de la cote des iles. Pas moyen d'aller bien loin, mais certainement de beaux vols en perpective, dans un ciel bleu, au dessus d'une eau de la meme couleur. Meme les cumulus en deviennent bleu! J'essairai de vous faire un photo un jour qui montre ca, c'est tres curieux!
Well, howdy, howdy, howdy. Are we all having the time of our lives? Right now, I am heartily enjoying the dear company of my husband. For the week prior, to which this entry is to elude, I spent the entire week in a mad, inpassioned race to complete a multitude of tasks prior to baby's arrival - the ulitmate nesting aventure. I truly tired myself out, bringing myself to near exhaustion, attempting to dot the final, proverbial "I" and put the cross on the final "T" so that I could then, finally, relax prior to Florence's arrival. It was the ultimate act of self-denial wherein I was convinced that there would be an end to the tasks needing to be done, at the conclusion of which I could finally put my feet up and rest, knowing all was right in the Universe. Ah, are we not sometimes our own worst enemy! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. ;)
So, I cleaned up our front and back yards, wrecked by a multitude of sub-freezing temperatures this winter, dead brush strew all about. Heck, I even used a blower/vaccum. That took about a day. Then I installed knobs on all our cabinetry, pulling out the ol' electric drill, created a new battery tie down for the glider, finished sewing pillows and changing table covers for the baby's room, prepared the post baby updated legal paperwork, painted baby room accents, installed drawer safety latches, etc. etc. etc. etc. Heck, makes me tired just writing it all again! :) :)
But, regardless, I was glad to complete this final dash. And I was glad to continue to work at my normal pace taking care of the homefront, if even for a bit longer, because it postpones the additional burden that will definitely befall Richard once she's born in terms of having to do more around the house, something which I have been trying to heartily postpone since he does quite enough at work, thank you very much.
So, alas, at this point, I can say we are set and now can just wait for her arrival. And so nice that warmer weather has finally settled in for good, with Spring heartily in bloom throughout the desert southwest.
On another note, sending Lubeth well wishes with her back problems and a hearty get well soon to Dad on recovering from his recent surgery. And no worries Dad. The doctor said your breasts will begin to feel real soon. Then in just a few days after you'll be out and about enjoying high heels and lipstick! Three cheers to my brave Father!
Love you Dad! Oh, and you too Mom! And Mary! And Liza! And Abby! And Thor! AndTiffy! And Anne! And Bryan! And all you other bunch of yahoos!!!!!!!!
Kate Out!
1 commentaires:
C'est tres belle.
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