dimanche, mars 04, 2007

02/07 4eme semaine/ 4th week

Nous sommes alles passe quelques jours a San Diego cette semaine. L'occasion etait que ce sera notre dernier voyage a nous deux seulement, vu que le prochain sera avec Florence.
Malheureusement, nous avions oublie que je suis souvent dans cette ville pour le boulot, que nous sommes reste dans le meme hotel que celui du boulot, et qu'avec une femme enceinte de 8 mois, on ne peut pas faire autant de choses. Du coup, ce ne fut pas autant relaxant que nous avions espere, mais nous en avons profiter pour visiter un porte-avion, c'est quand meme pas tous les jours! Nous voici tous les deux dans le cockpit d'un EC2 HAWKEYE.

This week hubby bubby and I were out and about in the world at large. First, we went to the gliderport, to give sweet Richard a day of being a bird. Wasn't the best glider day on record, but he spent 3.5 hours doing blissful soaring. Kudos to my genius glider pilot husband who was informally elected the "stud of the sky" at our local glider port since, as the two owners said, Richard seems to be able to stay up forever when the best anyone else can do is stay up for just a few minutes. Indeed, since the only reason Richard had to land was because nightfall had come.
Of course, it helps that my sweet husband has been doing this since he was 5.....

Later on in the week, after our latest OBGYN appointment in which Florence and I were pronounced "a okay" we went off to San Diego for what we hoped was a last (final pre-baby), relaxing horrah before Florence made a permanent live and in person visit. However, while we had a good time it was a bit of a bumpy trip as, being eight months along, the in's and out's of travel were difficult for me and, for poor RIchard, a trip to a much visited city during work time, reminded him too much of being on tour.

Needless to say, we returned home with great! enthusiasm. Since we had never experienced being pregnant, we didn't know how hard it would be to travel this late in the game, even to a place so close. However, as when one is sick or just not feeling so good, there is, apparently, no place like home. And for poor Richard, prior to this trip it had been a very hard series of tours at work, not only going to work already fatigued due to my causing his sleep to be disrupted so often, but also due to very, very long days at work (14 hours). What this poor guy and I really needed was just to rest at home and enjoy the creature comforts only being home can bring.

Alas, we learn by doing! :) But we were still able to scratch out some fun, visiting an aircraft carrier and it's historic aircraft. However, mostly, our best times during this trip were just hanging out at the hotel, ordering in room movies and eating overpriced in room food.

Yes, Dorothy, there's no place like home! There's no place like home!


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