lundi, février 12, 2007

02/07 1ere semaine/ 1st week

Cette semaine nous aura vu quadriller tous les Etats-Unis d'une cote a une autre, ce qui n'arrive pas forcement souvent sur mon type d'avion. Nous avons effectues 35 hr de vol en une semaine, alors evidement, nous avons finis a New York, un peu sur les genoux quand meme!...

1er jour: Facile! Prendre un avion de Phoenix pour l'ammener en grande visite au centre Cessna de Wichita, la ou sont fabriques les Citations.
2 eme jour: Sur un autre avion, nous faisons Whichita,KS- Little Rock,AK- Georgetown,KY- West Palm Beach,FL- Teterboro,NY
3 eme jour: Teterboro- Daytona Beach, FL- Charlotte,NC
4 eme jour: Charlotte- Houston,TX- Los Angeles,CA- San Jose,CA. Ce sera la journee la plus longue, vu le vent dans le nez vers l'ouest pour aller d'une cote a une autre a seulement Mach 0.75! (0.82 est la moyenne d'un avion de ligne)
5 eme jour: La photo du bas, c'est San Jose, decollage au tot matin puis Oklahoma city,OK- Houston,TX. La, l'avion explose une lentille qui protege les feux de navigation du bout d'aile droite. Ca arrive lorsqu'il y'a de la condensation qui se met dans la lentille, on allume les strobes, et paf!, la lentille fout le camp... Ca fait desordre, donc du coup, on arrete l'avion.
6 eme jour: Encore sur un autre avion, nous faisons Houston- Dallas,TX- Philadelphia,PA- Boston,MA- New York,NY. Reveil a 3 hrs du matin local, 2 hrs pour nous qui venons de Phoenix. Dure dure, encore une journee qui va etre longue.
7 eme jour: American Airlines nous rammene de New York a Phoenix. On va enfin pouvoir dormir un peu!

This week saw the aches and pains of pregnancy covering the entire length of my body, from the tip of my head to the bottom of my toes. This is something you don't often see in being human. To put it this way, over the course of the entire week I'm lucky if I slept 3.5 hours a night so, needless to say, I usually arrive at the end of the week on my knees.

1st Day: Suffering from bad, bad pregnancy cold. Just when you thought you couldn't feel any worse being pregnant.
2nd Day: Still suffering from the pregnancy cold, bad pains in my "down under," acid reflux, and, as usual, getting only 3-4 hours of sleep a night.
3rd Day: Start out with no sleep, visit a bathroom more often than a copy of USA Today at a men's office, have a headache, backache, nausea (from the cold), acid reflux, discomfort in my lower extremities (restless legs), and I stub my toe.
4th Day: Made the mistake of watching live births online. Made the bigger mistake of turning on the audio. Personally vow never to get pregnant again (!). :OOOOO All the usual aches and pains plus some in places where, frankly, a lady just doesn't mention when men could be reading.
5th Day: Maybe get some decent sleep but get woken up by a combo of ATC/FSS updates routed to my telephone on Richard's flights which tell me his tail (airplane) has filed a flight plan - at 2 am! Usual aches and pains, not to mention mind numbing boredom.
6th Day: Same ol', same ol'. Plus delivery scares coupled with worries of what can happen to her after birth after making bigger mistake of reading news stories of local crimes online.
7th Day: Richard comes home via American Airlines! Finally, now I can hang out with my buddy even when I can't sleep.

Getting pregnant: $5 cheap wine and $7.50 romantic DVD.
Being pregnant: $50 donut bill per day and other odd cravings
Giving birth: $2500 at local hospital
Being able to get newborn child to one day do chores to pay you back for all your pain and suffering: PRICELESS!

(Ok. Relax all you people out there without a sense of humor.)

For everything else - there's chocolate. :)

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