dimanche, février 18, 2007

02/07 2eme semaine/ 2nd week

Nous sommes aller voir le "Blue man group", cette semaine, ils sont en tournee dans le monde entier, et en ce moment sur la cote ouest des Etats-Unis. Nous etions interresses, car cela fait longtemps deja qu'ils sont a Las Vegas. Nous savions neammoins que le show etait different de ce qui se fait au Luxor, mais bon, c'est pratique de les voir chez soi plutot que Vegas, avant leur demenagement prochain au "Venitian".
Et bien c'est pas pour nous! Si vous etes adolescents, et que vous regardez MTV alors, c'est surement un superbe show, mais pour nous le rock, voire hard rock, c'est pas forcement notre truc, donc ca pars mal!
En gros ce sont 10 musiciens, dont trois qui sont bleus comme des Stroumphs. Grand ecrans montrant des musiques videos, nos trois gus qui de temps a autre tapent sur des pipes et tambours et qui font le pitre sur scene, et voila le tour.
Bon. Tant pis. On restera des fans du "Cirque Du Soleil" , avec le meilleur show etant a Las Vegas au MGM: "KA".

Un frond froid est passe dimanche, ce qui nous a fait de superbes conditions pour le vol a voile du lundi au mercredi. Je ne pouvais aller voler que mercredi, en ayant peur que les cumulus se barrent, mais comme on peut le constater sur la photo, il n'en etait rien, et pour fevrier, il faut absolument sauter sur l'occasion!
Le planeur etant toujours en revision, (mon mecano preferant reparer d'abord les bimoteurs et avions ecoles, c'est plus lucratif!) j'en ai profite pour me faire lacher un du materiel US, j'ai nomme le Schweiser 1-26...: Ca a les performances de notre "Javelot" Francais, donc en clair, ca plane pas loin, mais c'est leger comme tous, et a part le bruit, car c'est du bois toile, verriere qui ferme pas bien, c'etait rigolo a piloter, voire meme comfortable pour un gus comme moi, plus comfortable que le ASW 19, et mercredi ce fut 3 hrs de vol peinard, un ete Francais du nord puisque temperature dans les 18-20 degres, et plafond a 5000' AGL.
Ca fera donc un planeur de depannage en attendant de recevoir le mien...
A+ pour de nouvelles aventures!

Hello all! This week Richard and I were very busy. We had to run some miscellaneous errands (DMV and such) but then also went to a Blue Man concert, spent a day at the gliderport, went to our first childbirth prep class and even saw a movie. May not be too busy for some, but for us ol' timers it was a packed week.

As Richard said above, we were heartily disappointed in the Blue Man concert, walking out before the half way mark. To us, it was more paying lots of money to go into an arena to watch music videos on a screen and have a band play hard rock music very loudly. Since we are more the Bocelli and Bach type of couple, although it was interesting to us in a human pyschological/sociological study kind of way, frankly it was too darn loud, really annoying, and, as I told Richard, was the epitome of the typical American male (loud, overpriced, and obnoxious). So...we left. (For you sensitive types who love the Blue Man group, this is just the opinion of the Management and you are allowed to like them alot.)

Moving on, we spent a day at our gliderport, for which I was very grateful because between Richard's glider being "sick" and the weather this winter in Arizona being anything but supportive of proper gliding adventures, he has been grounded. And a bird of flight needs to fly to maintain happiness, sanity, etc. etc. So I was happy to get this bird husband of mine flying again. And he had a great time. I knew it was a great investment of our time (even though it's a three hour round trip drive) because the minute he got out of the cockpit after his flight he had his customary little boy, Christmas morning smile. As the commercial goes....priceless!

Then we went to our first childbirth prep class. However, this was a disappointment. The class seemed for people who know absolutely nothing about childbirth (Richard and I have been doing lots of reading since we got pregnant). So the information covered is extremely elementary. Further, the teacher is obvious prejudice for a non-natural childbirth and makes sure she makes this known to all. I have no preference. It's each woman's decision. But this teacher doesn't leave it up to anyone to decide. Any person in the class who makes reference to the contrary is immediately "corrected" by her that their opinion is wrong. Further, the class is filled with kids (or at least they seem like kids when your first child is being born when you're nearly 40!) wherein we have teenagers and early 20 somethings. So, the class attitude is pretty much just like high school. Not the adult, mature review of childbirth we were hoping for. Ah well. Lastly, the teacher is horrible. She just sits and reads directly off a printout, pretty much something we could do without her help and without paying $70. So, to sum it up, it feels like we're back in high school, wasting our time, learning nothing, and spending the hours making fun of the teacher!

Well, the depressing end has come to the week and Richard is preparing for work. I hate that. I miss him so much. It's funny with all the other mom's and such I meet that women whose husbands come home every night just don't get what it's like when yours does not. The world is very different when he is gone, never as fun, never as exciting. Just mostly watching the clock tick by until he returns. I will work hard to make sure Florence is happy when he is gone, but I know (or hope to God) that nothing is better for her than when he is home. After all, a home is just a home. A bunch of walls, some paint and wires. Who much cares when that special great person who sparks your life isn't there.

But on the other hand, recalling from my past, I am so ever, forever grateful to have someone who is so dear to me that his absence is so keenly felt. Again, as the commercial says, he is priceless.

Sorry folks, but anytime he's on his way back to work is a meloncholy time for me.

Adios muchachos from the Sonoran Desert.

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