04/07 2eme semaine/ 2nd week
Ah ca, one peut accuser Kate d'etre faineante. Malgre le fait que la naissance de Florence approche, a peu pres 2 semaines au moment ou nous tapons ces lignes, on la trouve encore au terrain de vol a voile, a reparer le patin de queue, puis balayer les toiles d'araignees avant le vol, car malgre les temperatures bassent pour la saison (entre 22 et 25C cette semaine), ce ne fut pas trop mal au niveau ascendances, puisque comme d'habitude, 10 hrs de vol en seulement 2 decollage.
Comprenant que les semaines a venir seront a jamais les seuls a nous deux seulement, elle m'incite a aller voler, puisque ce sera plus difficile apres la naissance.
Je ne peux donc que consentir...
Richard came home this week - Thank God! - and is now on break until Florence arrives. And, lucky us, his vacation is immediately following the break, so he will get lots of togetherness time with his new girl and us, as a family. We couldn't have planned it any better. :)
And so this week was not only great since my world's greatest husband was home - always the best thing in my life - but I even persuaded him to let me accompany him back to our local sailport and so off we went, this Thursday, Friday, and Sunday.
It was very, very terrific being back, because this weekly adventure was a standard ritual of ours which I have missed terribly over these last nine months. Although Richard has continued to go, it was sans moi, usually due to too much physical pregnancy hassles.
My part is usually prepping all the supplies. Then I help him prep the glider for flight. Then I get him situated for flight. Then I help with the post flight work, prepping the glider for night. In between, during his hours of flight, I hang out in our car, right by the side of the runway, whiling away the hours admiring the desert landscape while the quiet is interrupted from time to time by the really, really cool sound of a Pawnee taking off. How cool is that!??? And though I bring stuff to do to pass the time, usually the desert is, in an of itself, enough to keep me occupied, looking at the beautiful mountains, watching the desert creatures and checking in with Richard from time to time on where he is, and how I am doing - so he knows he can stay up longer. And so far Florence has been exceptionally cooperative and has allowed her Dad to glide until the sun falls below the horizon - and it's time for Richard to come back to Earth - and to home.
So, it was a lovely week. OH! And I also went up with Richard this Sunday, something which is not my "thing" (I don't do continual tight circles needed for soaring well - I get very sick very fast) but I like to go up once or twice a year just so I can be with Richard in his favorite place doing his favorite thing. Like hanging with a bird as it soars all day, caressing the mountainside. Richard, of course, thought I was nuts. And maybe so, but I'd rather be nuts for love than just plain nuts. And it seemed to provide humor to everyone to watch this big fat pregnant woman squeeze in and out of a glider. Plus, interestingly enough, my willingness to go up in my condition gave vigor to some watchers to finally agree to do their rides.
So, again, all in all a lovely week. Can't wait until Florence is old enough and we'll all go back to visiting the sailport - hopefully by this Fall. In the meantime, I'll just work to keep my bird of a husband up and flying. He'll be grounded enough once she's born....
And for those of you who think the desert is just a desert, well, in a way I'm no so sad for that keeps it for the rest of us.
All for now. OUT!
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