lundi, octobre 09, 2006

10/06 1ere semaine/ 1st week

1ere semaine de boulot, retour de vacances, et l'avion se trouvant a Scottsdale, dans la banlieue de Phoenix, j'y suis alle directement avec la voiture sur le terrain, directement a l'avion...
Ah si seulement c'etait le notre est que c'etait nous qui pouvions partir en voyage!

  1. I love that my husband is home. In my heart, I thank God a million times each day I see him. He is a miracle that still, sometimes, I must pinch to see if true, or only a desperate figment of my imagination.
  2. I love my baby. Right now, baby is an "it." Soon, however, we'll know the sex and, therein, assign a name. Strange, isn't it, to name a life? I mean truly, yes, becoming a parent happens every day in every country. But think of it, naming a child is akin to naming a flower. A rose is a rose is a rose.
  3. I love my country. Can't say enough about America, so I won't say anymore at all. Right now, at least.
  4. I love my family. Boy, what a crapola fest they are having now. Now, yes, it's all God's will, God's way and all that. But, frankly, don't you sometimes wonder if God took off to the movies for a day and left somebody lesser in charge....? Would explain some of the world crap, wouldn't it? But, of course, God has nothing to do with evil. But God, if sought, has everything to do with finding the good hidden inside it.
  5. I love my sister. Mary, get the surgery. All the other stuff you are worried about, it will work itself out. I don't know the how, where or when, but it will. Gotta have faith. I don't know your feelings, besides anger. But if I were you I'd be pissed, scared, worried, anxious, nervous, and generally feeling like my body had been taken over by little nasty worms or something. Yes, it sucks. But sometimes we have to make chicken salad when handed chicken shit. And if anyone is capable of this feat of strength and courage, it is you. No one loves you more than Mom and Dad, outside of me and God, that is. So trust. And I'm always here for you. How do I know all will work out? Simple. Because I need you, and I refuse to accept a world without you. So, do what you have to do. Because like it or not, at this point in your life I am the love of your life and I NEED YOU. Period. End of sentence. Dot, dot, dot.
  6. I really, really really love my husband.
  7. And chocolate.
  8. And Diet Coke (Oh! How I miss caffeine!!!!)
  9. End of paragraph

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