samedi, août 19, 2006

08/06 3eme semaine/ 3rd week

Chose rare de ce cote de la vallee de Phoenix: Il a plu en debut de semaine!
Un de ces orages, impressionnant de tonnerre et de pluies diluviennes, qui innonde les rues et fait coucher les arbres sous le vent. Admirons le double arc en ciel sur la photo du haut, apres cet orage. C'est tellement rare ici, que nous sommes meme aller danser sous la pluie dehors, mais curieusement, c'est de l'eau bien froide qui est tombee! Il y'a meme eu un peu de grele! Et puis nous avons observes une decente de temperature de 35 degres a 25 en un espace de seulement 10 minutes! Impressionant!
Alors, evidement, ca n'a pas ete facile de faire du planeur, mardi, jour habituel. Nous en avons profiter pour que je me fasse lacher sur un planeur biplace, de maniere a ce que je puisse emmener Kate, ou les amis eventuels. (photo du mileu, prise par Kate en place arriere)
Et puis jeudi, 2eme jour ou je vais faire du planeur en general, ce fut suffisant pour que le sol sorte de sa saturation, et il y'avait quelques pompes. Pas facile, avec du cisaillement, mais quand meme 5H40 de vol, en prenant des photos en sortant le bras de la verriere!
A la semaine prochaine...

Well, this is going to be shorter than usual, because dear Katie is suffering from a bad, bad case of heat rash due to the unending humidity, heat, and exercise (insert Winter here, please). This week Richard didn't get to do too much gliding, as one day was shut down due to weather, insert Monsoon here. I hope you all check out the link given in a previous entry which shows a sand/dust storm heading in, because it is magnificent.

To compensate for the lousy weather, Richard made use of the time by getting checked out in a rental and took me for a ride. Wonderful trip. Almost made me like low wings - almost (God Bless Cessna).

Richard was, however, able to get a great gliding day later this week, gliding for his usual 5+ hours.

Today, we went up in our ol' faithful Cessna 152, touring the northern valley, with me practicing manuevers and slow flight (short for controlled crashing - not really, but I do so like drama). It was actually fun (actually, it's always fun). Unable to start learning to fly back in the days when I first wanted to (insert age of 5 here) I have adequately built years of fears, which Richard and I are readily, steadily chipping away at. Yes, I get worried (Ha!) but I love the challenge. Truly, nothing has ever challenged me like learning to fly, especially since my standards are so high for myself. "If you can fly 3550, you can fly 3500."

Anyhoo, was a busy traffic day, since the weather's getting nicer (only 105!) so lots of students and such were out. Tower had to call me to stop abruptly and hold short during taxi because it looked like someone else wasn't paying too much attention. Anyway, all turned out ok but it was fun for something outside of the norm.

At the airport, after we landed, I thought I caught site of a P51, but it was just some Russian aircraft painted over with Air Force marking. Awe well.

Now, we're back home, trying to make the most of our remaining time!

Well, signing off for now. This rash has the best of me! Just call me "scabby." Reminds me too much of that M*A*S*H episode where Margaret got heat rash and the shipment of lotion kept getting left out. Left her to the point of walking rather bow legged. WELL!! NOthing spells it's time to sign off like mentioning a bow legged woman.

Hi! To Abby and Thor! And all you crazy kats out there in good ol' Texas!


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