lundi, février 23, 2009

02/09 3eme semaine/ 3rd week

Petit tour en avion cette semaine. Nous sommes alles faire des tours de piste sur un terrain a cote, histoire de garder la main avec un monomoteur. Marrant, ca fais tout drole de voler VFR, gerer une radio differente, et puis faire voler un avion que je vole guere!

Florence a apprecie davantage, on etait plus bas pour voir les maisons ou les petites voiture vu du haut.

Above and beyond....

We took Florence up for another ride in an airplane, to keep with her "training." At first, she was nervous, mostly by the sound of the engine, quite loud as she is not willing to wear a headset yet. But she settled in during the second half of the flight and started sightseeing out the window. As soon as we landed, she demanded "More!"

In and out....

Wherein the flying is an attempt to ever expand her horizons, at home scorpion proofing continues with gobs of caulking in and out of the house, to keep the deadly little buggers at bay. The deadly scorpions we have here are not big, and don't look so frightening compared to the large, nasty ones they have in the African desert. Odd that they are more frightening for the reverse, because they can be so small that they can slip through the most minute of opening in the house, the thickness of a credit card, the width of a child's pinky.

When out when night, scorpion hunting, I eye-spied an adult climbing in and out of a column which supports the back overhang. This made me gulp, as the column connects to the main roof, which connects to the main house. Lord only knows where this scorpion went, as I never saw it exit during my time outside hunting. What I did spy, however, which made me more frightened than any other experience I've had on Earth was a baby, apparently released by its mom to fend for itself. It was so tiny, barely the size of a silverfish. But yet packing a punch which could kill my little girl. Just like the Arizona diamondback rattlesnake, it is born with poison powerful enough to kill. But so tiny that it could slip inside via a dream and a light wind.

At least a monster the size of a monster, that I could handle, but who comes prepared to fend off death barely weighing more than a breath gently exhaled from a small child?

I hate them and wish them a fond return to Hell.

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