lundi, janvier 28, 2008

01/08 3eme semaine bis/ third week

Ce sera de nouveau dans la partie Est des Etats-Unis ou je suis alle cette semaine, particulierement dans la region du Maine et de New-York, avec quand meme quelques passages en Floride, car evidemment, quand les temperatures oscillent entre -7 et -15, nos clients preferent aller vers le soleil. Nous avons eu le temps de repasser par le musee de l'air et espace a Washington DC, mais comme j'ai deja des photos la dessus enfouis dans le blog, je ne vais pas en remettre.
Florence pendant ce temps, s'est mis a lire le Francais, on reconnait a l'arriere plan les aventures d'Arsene Lupin, et sur l'etagere en dessous, de nombreux Tintin, Gaston Lagaffe, et Buck Danny. Elle vient juste de feuilleter un guide sur Paris, et bien qu'elle veuille visiter la ville un jour, pour l'instand, elle est mieux a la maison, dit-elle.
Cette semaine qui vient sera sans doute ma derniere semaine dans le planeur, car helas, il faut se rendre a l'evidence, et les mecanos que j'ai somme pour reparer les freins ou les instruments sont des incapables. Helas, cela veut dire que je vais voir le droit de faire une balade de 800 kms avec la remorque derriere et aller a Albuquerque pour aller dans un atelier d'entretien.
Ca va etre long et cher, mais ainsi va la vie pour les joyeux proprietaires d'aeronefs!

Ah, well, let's see. This week.... Still working hard on Florence learning to walk. She's great now at getting to a standing position and sitting back down from a standing position. Frankly, she's better than me! Nothing like a brand new body fresh from the factory....

She's also become quite fast in her walking wherein I have a hard time keeping up with her. Used to be we'd just scootch along with me behind her holding her up. Now, I have to donn knee pads and walk on my knees behind her at double time pace to please her. But it's paying off. She's really become a good walker and has even begun to let go and stand alone for a second or two once or twice a day. She'll still crawl and does so especially when I'm worn out of following behind her but she just loves walking. She beams with excitement when she's doing it.

She explores the whole house now. The only place she's not allowed to explore is outside or the garage. Otherwise it's carte blanche for the li'l one.

Her favorite things are her jungle bouncy activity center and her lion walker. And she also loves looking out our front window watching the world like a living screen saver.

he's become an excellent eater, especially for one off to a slow start. She self feeds Cheerios and is able to take the spoon and, once we load it up, put it in her mouth herself. Of course, not perfectly but, frankly, who cares!

he's still wary of strangers though strangers seem to love her. Especially her Daddy's blue eyes which she inherited.

And, best of all, she has a world class sense of humor. Mostly, all day, she's either intently studying something or being a silly heart, as John Candy put it once. And I'll take a great sense of humor any day over nearly most all other potential primary characteristics.
Outside of all that, all is well minus the continuing saga of severe sleep deprivation. Ever since helmet day there has only been three or four days where she slept all night. She still averages getting up at least two up to four times per night, which some dreaded long times getting her back to sleep. She just wants the company. Can't say I blame her! In some little experiments also turns out the sleep issues where somewhat related to being too cold and maybe too much light from a night light in her room. Heck, who knows. Just when you experiment and get a great night out of her therein comes a crap night to end all crap nights. I just think it's nature's way of convincing you not to run out and get pregnant again too soon. After all, if having babies was easy there'd be 97 bazillion people on this planet. After all, making them is fun. Egad if having them was fun too (wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more, say no more).
The other day she woke up at 3am to start her day. I tried for hours to convince her it was still the middle of the night to no avail, having to give up after two solid hours of begging her to go back to sleep. She stayed up all morning until her first nap time. Egaddddddddddddddddd....
Where in the world do they get their energy???????????????????????????????????????????

Frankly, just watching her march around all day, for her 12 hour day, exhausts the hell out of me.

WHere do they get their energy??????????????????????

Half the time after I've put her back to sleep in the middle of the night I honestly don't remember walking back to the bedroom and don't recall how I got back to bed. Scary.

Evolution is a wonder.
Regardless, the fam is doing great. Richard is working hard. We work hard to scrape time to have our time, which thank God he's such a great husband that through all this muck and mire we still find time to find each other in the haze and daze of baby-dom. He's really a terrific Dad. She giggles just at the sight of him (oh, be kind!). I'm so worn out after a solid week with her that when he's home he becomes her favorite since he's so animated and lively with her. She just giggles the days away and, frankly, he never stops kissing her. Lucky girl.

Well, veyr, very, very oh so very very tired. Outttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

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