dimanche, octobre 14, 2007

10/07 2eme semaine /2nd week

Nous avons eu le plaisir d'acceuillir les parents de Katherine cette semaine. Il se trouve que ca ete la premiere rencontre du grand-pere avec sa petite fille! Tout s'est bien passe, malgre les nombreuses fois ou il a fallu reduire le bruit dans la maison car bebe dors!

C'est esthetique dans le cas de Florence car son cas est faible, mais le docteur nous conseille de lui faire porter un casque de remodelage: sa tete montre une deformation a l'arriere du crane. Cette prothèse permet d’exercer une force sur son petit crâne pour essayer d’inciter le cerveau à passer vers les endroits aplatis. C'est couvert a 100% par notre assurance, ce qui est aussi la raison pour laquelle nous allons sans doute le faire, car sinon la procedure reste chere.

La plagiocéphalie ne donne pas d’anomalies du cerveau, mais peut occasionner par la suite un vrai problème esthétique, avec une asymétrie de la face, des maxillaires, des troubles de la vue… et un retentissement sur l’aspect physique de l’enfant qui peut très mal le vivre. Mieux vaut donc agir quand on le peut, et éviter de la même manière les opérations à l’âge de 18-20 mois où on est alors obligé d’ouvrir le crâne, ce qui n’est pas sans risque.

Nous avons aussi fait des X-ray cette semaine, car derriere son crane, il y'a une sorte de bosse, et il est possible que les plaques qui composent son crane ne se referment pas forcement bien. Affaire a suivre la semaine prochaine, car nous aurons les resultats pour en savoir plus.


The Mom'ster and Pop'ster were here this week. It was the first time Grandpa had seen Florence and the second time Grandma had seen her. And though it was all her life that she had not seen her grandparents, it was not too long that Florence had fallen in love with them, and they with her, her winning them over with her mellow, easy to laugh nature, and they winning her over with, frankly, lots of clapping (see below).

One of her favorite things to do with the Grand'sters was to perform various acts like Tummy Time, crawling, and sitting to uproarious applause, akin to a World Record Holder breaking their own all time record to a sell out Olympic crowd. Indeed, she had such a devoted, and verbal, audience each day they were here that, I fear, she wondered upon her first time performing exercises where had all the clapping gone. I think, alas, that she found it a bit boring to perform sans audience. Sigh....

An actor in the making?

Mostly we stayed around the house, as Grandpa is recovering from major knee surgery (perhaps you can see the giant scar in the above photo). Though Grandpa and Richard did take an airplane ride to Payson, to have lunch for the day. A good time for it, since density altitude was no longer an issue as Autumn has settled in to the desert.

And so the cool October days passed with lots of giggles, girgles, and kisses all around.

Florence surprised me when, I kid you not, she began to perform her version of raspberries on my belly. This is something I do to her nearly each time on the changing table. However, after feeding her one day, she bent toward my belly and made a raspberry sound. She then looked up at me, wherein I giggled and smiled. She then bent in again to perform her raspberry. And again and again, after each subsequent giggle from me. Apparently, she was mimicking my own behavior with her. However, I did not know such young babies could mimic behavior in this way. Frankly, I was so shocked that I thought she was an alien in a baby body, come to visit Earth and learn our customs, focusing on parent-child bonding. Ahem.........

Anyhoo, sorry to see the parent'sters go. It was really nice having them here. Hopefully we can visit each other again soon.

As an update on her torticollis, she is still undergoing all her physical therapy, though we have been released to complete this strictly at home. The physical therapy was impressed with her progress, saying that she progressed faster than all the other babies. May have something to do with the Boot Camp regimen we participate in with her. We still have to keep going, as it will take another six months or so to get over the hurdle. It also looks like we may be moving ahead with the helmut, though the final decision is not yet in. And we're also just having her skull reviewed to make sure that all her plates are growing as they should. But, regardless, what matters most is that she is one very content little girl. Rarely despondent, she is all smiles, hugs, kisses, and coos. Oh, thank goodness!

All for now. I am quite, utterly, absolutely exhausted!

Nanu nanu!

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