mercredi, août 29, 2007

08/07 3eme semaine bis/ 3rd week

Une des particularites d'un pilote d'avion d'affaire est de se poser sur une multitude de petits terrains, en fonction de ce que veulent les passagers, ce qui nous ammenent un peu partout sur le territoire Americain, du Canada au Caraibes en ce qui concerne l'avion que je pilote. Et souvent, je vais trainer dans les hangars des aerodromes ou dorment de superbes machines. Et c'est ainsi que le hasard de nos aventures nous ont ammenes a Kissimee cette semaine en Floride, ou un riche monsieur gardent ses tresors: quelques Maseratis, Ferraris, cinq (oui 5!) P-51 Mustangs, un Spitfire ( que l'on peut apercevoir dans les reflets polis du Mustang sur la photo a gauche du drapeau Anglais...), un Avenger, North American Bronco, et j'en passe!...
Il s'est meme cree une sorte d'ecole ou on peut passer une qualif Mustang, ou pour la modique somme de $3000 faire une heure de vol dessus!

Y'a pas a dire, c'est l'Amerique!

We're in the U.S. Army NOW!

Yes, indeedy, the above two pictures are both of Florence wherein the buzz cut is the post-pic. This past week Florence and I worked on her physical therapy stretching and strengthening exercises. Loll and behold, she only made mild progress much to Mommy's chagrine. However, as it had only been about one week I had to adjust my expectations accordingly.

Why the buzz? Well, her hair was getting so long that it was getting in her eyes. So I used the shaver and put on a one inch attachment to, supposedly, shave her hair to a one inch length. Apparently I didn't angle the darn thing correctly and cut a bald spot just down the center of her head. Kinda a reverse mohawk. So, figured I needed to finish the work so I continued on. Unfortunately, or, frankly, who cares that it is far from an even cut. She kept following my hand with her eyes to see what I was up to so, while attempting to cut behind one ear she'd turn that direction and, well, an uneven cut at best. Kinda looks more like she ran into a shaver accidentally than actually having gotten a haircut on purpose. Oh well. Thank goodness she's young!

On the bright side (though the moments of humor I got at seeing her lousy haircut was enough of a bright side in and of intself) I got to take a good gander at her head shape and, thusly, decided that the therapeutic helmut was not necessary. After all, how often as a woman do you have a head shaved bald and then have a person take aerial photos of your noggin'? Not often, I presume, though who knows what odd things people do these days.

So, alas, we are down one problem and now focusing only on the torticollis. Still doing her stretching while she sleeps. Keeps the screaming bloody murder to a minimum and, frankly, allows for a much better stretch. No baby induced resistence. Seeing a mild improvement. Very mild. But an improvement nonetheless. Coupled with attempting to get her to finally nap in her crib (she only sleeps in the crib at night) that's been our week.

Oh yeah, and spitting up. And burps. And poops. And, sigh, all other sorts of bodily fluid/function related activities. Who knew!???????/

Adios muchocosho!

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