dimanche, septembre 09, 2007

09/07 1ere semaine/ 1st week

De nouveau en vacances ce mois ci. 3 semaines tous les trois mois. La vie est dure!
Ca a beau etre septembre, les temperatures continuent d'etre a 41C, ce qui fait que quand je prends l'avion pour aller faire du planeur, je vole avec les fenetres ouvertes. C'est beaucoup plus agreable. Et vu que l'on perd 2 C par 1000 pieds, bien souvent, je me retrouve dans les 33-35 degrees, ce qui est quand meme moins fournaise, meme si pour la France, ca reste chaud quand meme!
En planeur, le but du jeu est de se retrouver en altitude le plus rapidement possible, de maniere a etre dans les 20 degrees. Mais helas, le vol a voile ne permet pas toujours de monter aussi haut, et c'est pourquoi bien souvent je suis oblige d'ouvrir l'ecope de la verriere, et de glisser ma main a l'exterieur pour faire rentrer plus d'air dans le cockpit. C'est penible a force, mais ainsi va la vie dans une contree a la meme latitude que le Maroc.

Nous avons finalement vire notre pediatre cette semaine. Des docteurs, y'en a des bons et des moins bons, c'est comme les pilotes! et celle ci etait plus occupee a rentrer les coordonees de Florence dans son ordinateur plutot qu'a nous ecoute.
Alors, nous sommes alles a l'hopital pour enfant de Phoenix, le meilleur de tous l'etat, on va pas y'aller de main morte tant qu'a faire. La helas, c'est le fiasco. apres 1H30 de retard, on nous apprends que le docteur avec qui nous avions rendez vous n'est pas la, qu'il y'a eu erreur puiqu'il n'etait meme pas suppose etre la ce jour la. La bonne nouvelle, c'est que du coup, on nous donne le docteur en chef, responsable de tous l'hopital. Fichtre! le chef des chefs!
Et la, c'est le jour et la nuit: Nos questions sont repondues, elle nous offre des informations en plus, et on peut vraiment s'apercevoir que son boulot, c'est sa passion, plutot que d'etre un vulgaire "job". Normalement, elle ne fais pas de visite reguliere, mais elle aime tant Florence qu'elle demande de la revoir! Avec plaisir docteur!

Loll and behold....

This week was another busy week of appointments for Miss Florence. After yet another disappointing visit with her current doctor (whom both Richard and I question if she really has a doctor degree at all) we decided once and for all to chuck the old and find a new.

Worried that Florence was not on track to getting better, tired of wasting time on fruitless doctors, and wanting the very best for our little one, we went straight to the top of the medical food chain and made an appointment at Phoenix Children's Hospital, a part of "Children's Hospitals" around the US which cater exclusively to the needs of children. The Best of the Best, as it were.

So, we made an appointment. And went to the appointment. And waited, and waited, and waited. In fact, we sat in the doctor's office for 1.5 hours. Finally, after some belly aching to staff, we got someone to come in. Turns out that the doctor whom we were to see was not there that day and we were kinda "forgotten." Hmmmmm. Doesn't bode well at all. But, alas, although Florence was starving and exhausted from a missed nap, we were starving and tired from a missed lunch, and we were destined to be hours from home due to now homebound workweek traffic, our visit turned out not only to be good but great.

Turns out the doctor who was covering was one of the best doctors there. Not too shabby. She was smart, inquisitive, knowledgeable, determined, and just also a great pleasure to interact with. And, ta da, she liked kids. (Never got that impression too much from our old doc.)

So, all was not lost. She layed to rest fears that Florence may have Scoliosis and believes we should be on track to rid her, in time, of her Torticollis. And since this woman was brimming with information (I always prefer my doctor seem smarter than me. Never like it when they seem to be reading back word for word something I just read on the Internet. If I need a monkey as a doctor, I'll go see a monkey!) we felt entirely confident that we had finally found the help we needed.


Outside of that, just trying to survive the dog days of an Arizona summer, with temperatures above 110 and humidity which just builds and builds and builds. Egad. Last year, just to get through this time Richard and I had a "Freezing Movies" marathon watching only movies based in winter, like Fargo and Snow Dogs and Eight Below. It did help, I must say.

Well, back to Mommy stuff. BYE!

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