mardi, novembre 07, 2006

11/06 1ere semaine/ 1st week

Halloween cette semaine!
Kate n'hesita pas a decorer la maison pour l'occasion mais comme je suis pingre pour ce genre d'occasion, j'ai refuse d'acheter toutes les babioles qu'on trouve dans les magasins. Du coup, elle a sortit les ciseaux et la colle pour se confectionner son propre decor.
Etre enceinte n'aide pas cependant, et elle n'a pas mis de costume pour faire peur au gamin cette annee, c'etait deja difficile de repondre a la porte toutes les 2 minutes!
Pour moi, Halloween ce passa dans un hotel a cote de Boston passant en effet ma semaine de boulot sur la cote est des US, a faire la navette entre New York et la Floride principalement.
Brutal, le debut de semaine, car le premier jour, avion de ligne pour Atlanta, seulement 10 hrs de repos, pour partir a 5 hrs du matin sur New-York, ce qui veut dire 2 hrs du matin physiologiquement, a cause du decalage horaire. Ouch! et y'en a qui trouve ca bien, ce metier de personels naviguants!

If you smoke, stop. You're hurried death is only serving to make tobacco companies rich. If you drink to excess (buzz or drunkenness) get a life. This is laziness brought on by the failure to find anything in life worth looking at while sober. If you drink and drive, stop it. You're too big an idiot to even talk to. If you eat badly, get a health test. Fix your cholesterol. Exercise, and eat fruit at least once a year. Life's too precious to waste. Don't believe me, volunteer to die today, then maybe you'll see what I mean. Get tested for your cancers, blood pressure, etc. Again, life is precious. Life has responsibities. If you get your car checked up, maintain your computer systems, clean your air filters, at the very least you can see how your body is doing too. Find a passion - something that makes life sparkle. Doesn't have to cost money. I suggest looking at the persons in your household to start. They tend to be the most taken for granted and, ironically, the most valuable assets you will ever have. Apologize to God for a lifetime of taking Him for granted. You may not believe he created the world, but he has given dreams and hopes to billions for billions of years. That, at least, is something to sneeze at. Smell the roses. Look on the bright side. Follow your heart. Do unto others as you know darn well you should already be doing. Dare to be the nice guy. Dare to let those around you dream. Dare to hold onto something precious, even when it hurts. Dare to fail, cause only then will you succeed. Indulge in forgiveness. Overeat on expressing love. Glutten yourself with happy thoughts. Pet a dog. Smile at a child. And never, ever, ever, ever forget to laugh - especially at yourself. Go forth yet never, ever go gentle into that Good Night.

The End.

Signed, Someone who could have just as well been your Mother as your friend.

The Really End

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